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Prof. Javier Fiz Perez
Direttore Scientifico Internazionale 
Curriculum Vitae 

Javier Fiz PerezPh.D.,

Psychotherapist and Professor of Psychology at the European University of Rome, where he cooperates also as Delegate for International Research Development.

He is Co-Director of the Laboratory of Applied Business and Health (Organizational Psychology) being also Member of the Board of Coaching Teachers (RENACOP; graduated in Philosophy, Psychology and Social Bioethics,obtaining specialization in Executive Business Administration (EMBA) after his PhD.

He is a Member of the Advisory Board of the Academic Senate of  the Accademia Tiberina.

Professor Fiz Perez is Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of The International School of Economics and Ethics (Italy) and collaborates with the International Academy for Economic and Social Development (AISES), for which he has been Vice President for Spain and Latin America.

He is a Scientific Research Director for the European Institute of Positive Psychology in Madrid (IEPP) and also a Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Institute Jacques Maritain.

He is a Member of several Committees of Scientific Journals and Director of the International Network for Social and Integrated Development (INSID).

Editorial board Member of  some International Scientific Journals as: “Research Journal of Nervous System”, “Bipolar Disordes” (Business and Management Section), “International Journal of Psychiatry Research”,  “CPQ Neurology and Psychology journal” etc.

Professor Fiz Perez has more than 200 national and international pubblications.

He is Chief Editor of “Sviluppo Integrale” (Persiani Editori, Bologna), “Human Sciences: From Training to Practice” (NeP Edizioni, Roma) and also collaborates with “Health and Safety Observatory” as Director of the International Scientific Committee. Actually he is also International Director for Development in Italy, Spain and Latin America for SoEI - UK (Society of Emotional Intelligence - UK). being Member of the International Society of Business Leadership (ISOBL – USA); He collaborates with some organizations as Internatinal Scientific Director (“Assoinnovazione”, “Osservatorio Salute e Sicurezza” etc)


Research Interest: Life Span, Integral Formation and Developmental Psychology; Vocational Rehablitation,; Social Reintegration; Cross cultural intelligence; Cognitive and behavioral Psychotherapy; Quality of life; Positive Psychology, workplace and work life balance; Emotional intelligence; Education.; Soft skills; Health care and Well-Being.érez-ph-d-54621426

Osservatorio Salute e Sicurezza  si rivolge al Professore
per attività di collaborazione scientifica attraverso la Direzione sia di percorsi formativi specifici, su preciso incarico, con riferimento all’europrogettazione dell’Associazione nell'ambito della relazione con la Ride Aps, sia di studi e ricerche su progetti specifici, onnicomprensiva del supporto teorico necessario affinché i singoli progetti attivati siano validamente costruiti su solide basi scientifiche e comunicando con altre Università, per conto dell’Associazione, e sia attraverso la partecipazione e/o Direzione a programmi di ricerca nazionali ed internazionali e l'organizzazione di conferenze, dibattiti e seminari su specifico incarico.  

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